1. Alot of players are fast and have good attributes, but a player like ronaldo who was the master of his craft comes very rare…ronaldo and messi..rooney are good players but they are not on the same level and never will be…. Big player one of the best if the best!

    Thank you Ronaldo,Zidane,Ronaldinho,Figo for entertaining us with your skills of magic.

  2. Man i remember watching this game, i was SO exited to finally see Ronny on the pitch again just to watch him fall to the ground just a few mins later. First time i’ve felt that kind of frustration for someone else.

  3. Ronny…un grande giocatore…mi ha insegnato tanto…mi ha fatto venire la passione per il calcio… Grazie per lo spettacolo che ci hai regalato in ogni tua partita,ogni tuo movimento era perfetto! Abbiamo sofferto con te…quando non potevi giocare…ci mancavano le tue azioni,le tue magie con il pallone! Sei e resterai sempre un Grande! Grazie davvero Campione

  4. Foi simplesmente o melhor do mundo.
    Não só pelo seu futebol (que por sinal tbm
    foi o cara, o camisa 9 da seleção que acho
    dificil ter outro), mas principalmente pela
    sua superação, lição de vida para qualquer um.

    Vai deixar saudades nos gramados!


  5. At 1m27seg the patella tendon tore and the knee cap goes up!!!God given talent never should be able to sustain this kind of injury!I still not understand why he suffer this kind of injury…patella tendon injurys ar so rare and uncomon!It´s not fair…
    Ronaldo didn´t deserve this bad luck!!!was to much… 🙁

  6. i was just a child when i saw it 🙁 i was showck i coudl understand my hero was gonna be out of the fields for 4 years (they said) fortunatly they were only 2 sad years ! go fenomeno we always gonna remmember u !

  7. El fenomeno definitivamente es el fenomeno, buen video interesante como los defensas inmediatamente llaman a los camilleros y como el cholo Simeone se olvida de la clasica rivalidad y es el utimo en dejarle en la camilla, Grosso Ronaldo como una vez titulo el ole, Tanta Grasa Tanto Futbol

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